- 没听出来
- had: have 的过去式及过去分词。be had 受骗,上当, ...
- raised: adj. 1.加高了的;凸起的,浮雕的;发过酵的,鼓起的 ...
- raised: adj. 1.加高了的;凸起的,浮雕的;发过酵的,鼓起的,高起的。 2.〔美国〕受过教育的。 a raised bottom (升、斗等的)垫高了的底。 raised tissue 起毛布。 a raised beach (因冲积而)上升的海滩。 a book in raised type 凸字书,点字书。 raised work 浮雕工艺。 a raised cheque 涂改过的(金额增大了的)支票。 raised pastry 发面点心。 a raised pie 发面饼。
- be had: 受骗, 被愚弄
- had: have 的过去式及过去分词。be had 受骗,上当,被利用。 had as good (do) 不如,宁可 (had as good study English instead of Russian 宁可学英语而不学俄语)。 had as lief [soon] 〔古语〕〔书面语〕毋宁,宁可 (I had just as lief [soon] stay out of the quarrel. 我宁可置身争论之外)。 had best (do) 最好 (We had best go at once. 我们最好马上走)。 had better (do) 最好 (You had better go. 你还是走好)。 had better have done …做了就好了 (You had better have gone already. 你早就应该走了〔可惜没有走〕)。 had better not (do) 最好不要 (He had better not remain here. 他还是不留在这里好)。 had it not been for 若非,假使没有。 had like to 差不多,几乎就…了。 had need (to) (do) 应当 (You had need to do your best. 你应当尽最大的努力)。 had rather (do) 还是…的好。 had rather... than 宁可…也不愿;与其…宁可 (I had rather undertake some purposeful labour than stay idle. 我宁可做些有意义的劳动也不愿闲着)。 had sooner ... than 宁可…也不愿;比…更喜欢 (He had sooner live in the countryside than in the city. 他宁肯住在乡下,不愿住在城里)。
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